Chaplain | Writer | Theologian
Welcome new friends. I’m so glad you’re here.
My name is Liz and I am a hospital chaplain who writes at the intersection of spiritual formation and justice issues.
I teach the bible and theology to curious Christians who don’t want to settle for easy answers or half truths.
What makes me different from other systematic theologians?
Well, my chaplaincy background means that I’ve also got specialized training in trauma theory, psychology, ethics, grief, and counseling.
And my personal experience with disability and caregiving means that my approach to ministry is intersectional and person-centered.
If we haven’t connected yet, what brings you here? What are you looking for? How Can I help? Wanna be weird and wonder about the things of God together?
I think:
a ministry of presence is a big deal in an increasingly digital world.
theology isn’t just for our brains but for our whole bodies, relationships, and communities.
scripture is something we live and breathe
God is not abusive. God’s people shouldn’t be either.